Sunday, August 13

Today was a good day.

Wednesday, August 9

New family member


Saturday, August 5

Good job?

Good job?

Wednesday, August 2


Productivity = High today. Of course, being that the heat index has maintained a high 104-112 over the past 4 days, its no surprise I've been productive. I have been working from home (except Monday) - which means my only interuptions are grandmother checking my office several times a day to see if I am still here.
This weekend my Dremel and I created quite a commotion in the house; putting holes in the office bookshelves for my Klipsch speakers. Hence, I was pleased that the majority of my work effort was spent in the company of Vivaldi (Four Season is perfect to greet the morning) and Mahler (Symphony 5 in the afternoon... I was just in the mood, I guess) richly piped through the air, the occasional F*c* Y*u song thrown in whenever melancholy or nostalgia snuck up on me.
Otherwise, life is good. Dr's appt. this Thursday, I am definitely not putting on enough weight.. but otherwise I seem healthy - hopefully I'm just paranoid.

(Who is insisting on playing her song...My song. MY SONG!!!ME! So There!!!!)