Sunday, May 7

Oh Fudge

Little things to thank God for #17:

The kids who come door to door with their school catalogs..
You flip through their 2-4 catalogs of overpriced items so that your home taxes don't get higher than they already are. You have a guilt complex about being the only person in the neighborhood NOT buying whatever they are selling, you buy their stuff, you forget about it..

Then... one day.. months later....out of the blue...
Like on a Sunday night at 8:24pm, there comes a faint knock at your door, and you answer it to find them standing there, with the same catalog sheet as before, only this time with a parent in tow carrying boxes stacked up beyond his/her (or possibly both) sightline. And what for?
Just to bring you gifts.... a pound of peanut-butter/chocolate chip fudge and a recipe book.

Thank you Lord, for these masked angels. Amen.


Friday, May 5

Life is a .... CAKEwalk

See here... the spoils from Peanut's 3rd grade elementary school carnival. Mom won YET ANOTHER cakewalk. Of course, I choose the brownies - but the chocolate cake was a pick from one of Peanut's girlfriends from next door.
Did I mention that I am happy? I am. truly. Situations that would have stressed me out to no end only a few months ago are poignant or amusing now. I am starting to feel like me again. I leave work at work - I get out once in a while now, I don't stress (as much), and my love life is finally satisfying (if a bit dogged by distance.) I have started seeing joy in things again, rather than frustration... or - when still faced with stress (which will probably still rear its ugly head on occasion for the next 5.24 months) I can let it go once the event has passed. I'm me! Oh thank you, Lord.
Peanut and I spent this past COLD, wet and windy weekend in Chicago.. and checked into a rather snooty four-star hotel (which obviously thought itself unfairly judged short of its fifth star) where, in short order, Peanut turned green and left her breakfast directly in front of the check in desk.
Somehow her accident gained their sympathies, for the staff was quite sweet after that (does she know how to make an entrance, or what?) We drank tea, purchased raincoats, took in Akeela & the Bee at the theater, and went to the aquarium before heading back the next day. It was a wonderful weekend... and I look forward to so many more like it in the future.
