Sunday, January 22

Temperature Rising....

Infrequently in life do desirable opportunities present themselves to you with no further obligation on your part but to accept.

Birth, for example.
The quick death (which may or may not be desirable, depending on your perception shortly before the occurrence.)
Finding (or being given) a large sum of money with no strings attached….
Heaven, or its pluralist equivalent ( assuming you believe (as I do) that God never “dis-invites” anyone ….my conclusion being that its well nigh possible we dis-invite ourselves)…
The act of Sex, shared by consenting adults whose mutual relationship and perception of the act negates fears of procreation, disease, misunderstanding or issues of control (i.e. because the present possibility of which is not a fear [couples looking to conceive] or due to the lack of possibility [seniors, gay couples, etc.])

All of these, IMHO, plausibly fall into this category of desirable opportunities.Sorry.. I was going somewhere with this...But I suppose I'm not as ready to write it all down as I had initially believed. Instead I have only shared this jumble of half-bent ideas ….

Thoughts, percolating for years, finally reaching slow boil ......releasing this enticing aroma with each tiny bubble rising to the top. And so, the temperature rises.
