Thursday, December 29

Another Airport

I'm sitting on the floor in the Detroit airport, drinking a strawberry milkshake. Not a normal choice for me - but the dark purplish-red berry bits suck into the pink tundra called to me from the little Dreyer's parlor as I exited the plane... and the result was not disappointing. I can't remember strawberry ice cream tasting so good! For that matter... I'm not sure I remember tasting strawberry ice cream at all...
Peanut had a grand time opening her presents last night, and is headed out to see Harry Potter for the 3rd time at the IMAX this evening... and is making plans for us to bake this weekend. (She had a great time making sugar cookies the other day, as now she has decided to become a "chef!")And..... I'm picking up my grandmother from Orlando - where I arrive at midnight, and turn around tomorrow afternoon and bring her home.