Monday, January 16

Winds and Pitches

Boredom: (bôr d m, b r -)
1.) NOUN: The condition of being bored; enn
2.) The most awful, devestating, destructive force in my own personal universe.

I suppose I prefer chaos to stagnation in my environment.... because then there is something to fix, to put to rights... Better, though, is when boredom cannot enter because everything is too nteresting..
Interesting-'ness' is not the antidote for boredom it would seem to be, however.
Lack of access is a big killer - what is my mind to do in the meantime?

Bought a book yesterday... 1/3 of the what through it already... very interesting . ('Stuart: A Life Backwards")However, if I could only read a paragraph a week? Lose that hold considerably. Hence: I spend my life watching little to no televison. Little information, in small segments offered weekly, constantly interupted by commercials for products I do not need and am not interested in.
Thank the Lord (and Jason) for box sets.

Finally got work all figured out. (OK, I must be dreaming here)
I know how to solve the problems presented to me... the only challenges now are getting from here to there. Those barriers have more to do with poor planning, resource allocation and politics than in logical reasoning or true conflict of project requirements.Its all written down, now. A recipe for success - and if they don't want to follow it, that's fine - here's what it will take to fix - and any deviation will take 'X' changes (I have actually created a formula at this point) to remedy and you can make this work - its just a matter of extending time, or resources, or direction to fulfillment. End of story.
(To boss,) "Here is the formula for cold fusion. Now, anyone can do it."
Biding my time until its actually completed isn't providing enough of a challenge, because its just navigating the politics... and that's just fodder for stress and making people feel stupid. That isn't my goal.It just struck me.. "
(Occurs to me that instead of "Winds and Pitches" I should have tagged this post "Winges & Bitches...." then I'd be describing myself instead of boredom. Lol)
Finally grown to bored.. demonstrated by the fact that I SUCCESSFULLY avoided work all weekend, despite the fact I have nothing else pressing to do. I just "didn't" pen the laptop much.

Lovelife: Growing bored due to access issues, I suspect. He's busy and I've such a fickle mind. Still savable at this point, but the brain can be so high-maintenance!

Family: Not bored, missing Peanut. GOOD LORD I miss Peanut. Miss Mom. Miss Dad.. Miss Gigi.

Was offered a job on the plane on the way here. (isn't that funny... I'm no good at 'networking' when it involves rank.. but so many outside conversations lead to opportunities to gave advice - technical or operation, that I frequently am the subjects of attempts to co-opt my expertise. I must say, it pleases me, even when I have no intention of following it up. I think I get it from my dad, who is always getting hunted by said head-hunters. Perhaps we should open up a business... Hmm.. Pop - what do you think?)
Said offer was for IT technical expertise in a company that teaches water drilling to foreign countries in need. The offer was made by: The president, who I just happened to get sat next to in business class. (No, work does not pay for business class: but between my gold-card - from flying BA so much - and fluttering my eyelids, I get bumped up from steerage plus on about 1/2 the longhaul flights...)It sounded fun. A lot of it is teaching, organizing, a lot of travel - and daughter welcome.Maybe I could get my hands dirty..
Does this fit in with school? PhD plans? Not exactly.. but I seem to have found it difficult to get right through one program without other distractions anyway. After all - plunked right into the middle of my undergrad was bootcamp.. and then *plunk* right in the middle of Grad school I was recalled to war.Both times were serendipitous... came right as I was getting "Boredom burn-out." My returns were equally well-timed... and accompanied a renewed love and sense of vigor.

Hmm.. seems I've managed a long post that says little... and only a 1/2 hour to ready for work. Must hop in shower and then, obviously, take some Adderall before I babble away the day chasing uncontrolled synaptic connections...