Sunday, April 9

RANT: Open Source != Mao, Marx or the Left!

I would like to make this statement for the record.
YES, I am an annual PAYING member of the EFF, I LIKE open-source code, file-sharing (to a limit! Not interested in forcing U2 to work at Micky D's for a living) open-text availability (open textual searching actually ought to lead to LESS plagerism and MORE access to library info... without the accompanying upper page corner coffee rings!) and am a proponent of common technalogical and corporate/strategic frameworks (transparency) and vocabularies. And yes, I do wish everyone on the EARTH had enough food and healthcare (but yes, I admit that the military and UK both suck at it...)

however, NONE of these facts means I am a COMMUNIST, MARXIST or SOCIALIST. I am an IDEALIST and a LIBERTARIAN... which means I want everyone to stay out of everyone elses business, yet hope that people could develop enough human empathy to stop suffering and intervene to halt criminal activity. (i.e. I want the military and I want cops... but I dont want a reason for either.)

THAT BEING SAID... If you raise your eyebrow at me one more time for wearing an EFF shirt (B), or hint that I have Marxist leanings (Stew) because I happen to be fond of Wikipedia (as it is run similarly to how I wish the earth were... with some signifigant screwballs but mostly on the up-and-up) I will be forced to strike you dead. or at least... ignore you for a while. :)

So there.