Tuesday, December 4

Gifts of Healing and Prose

A gift during this self-described "pro tem convalescence," the poem is posted as promised and with fervent gratitude. I confess, the prose incites an uneasy sense of deja'vu that I remain, as of yet, unprepared for. Apprehension and foreboding still accompany occasions of relational suggestion or consideration with those whom the fierce creative forces envelope and drive. Neither adulation nor anguish, when true, can be expected to dissipate quickly, if ever. Be that as it may, felicity and laughter yet remain friends and welcome company, as too with my esteemed poet.

Grant such compunction leave, avant
Sweet, impetuous piquant
Bid thy discordant obsequisness surcease
For yet thou fluently foment
Innate concupiscence extent
By thy inherent and puissant sui-genesis


Blogger brio said...

you sure attract those
who are wont to prose.


i read it again (obviously), and it is a definite sense of deja vu. some same words and thoughts leap from the screen. you are ever you.



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